Energy Consulting

Energy Consulting

3 hours

Reduce, Produce, Store, Sell: Become a Prosumer instead of a Consumer in the New Energy Frontier.

Save 30-50% off of your electricity bills using the most intelligent strategies available. 

Navigating the New Energy Frontier is a completely new paradigm, and with that comes a new way of thinking. Before A.I comes to double or triple the current electricity demand, and therefore the price, it's IMPERATIVE that you learn how to control your utility bill.  

1. Reduce: Through 1-1 consulting with a BPI-Certified Energy Auditor with 6 years of Building Science, Energy Efficiency, Energy Production and Storage Management, you will learn firsthand how to tame, control, and lower your electricity bills by 30-50%.

2. Produce: After your bill is controlled, we work to eliminate it if possible through a robust production and storage strategy that suits your needs and goals.  

3. Store: If you want full home backup it is a much different conversation that emergency backup. There are numerous battery and generator options that may be relevant to your goals. Instead of working for a commission and charging you as much as possible like every other company, you just pay for our time and expertise and reap the benefits of saving 20, 30, or even $40K off of what a traditional company would charge you!

4. Sell: Learn the best strategies to Sell/Arbitrage electricity to the grid when they need it most! Earn 10,20, even 50x the current electricity price.  

Through this offer you will be able to access Davison's Expertise 1-1 and develop a custom plan for your home without spending an arm and a leg to do it (until Davison's calendar gets too booked and has to raise his prices). Book your Custom Energy Consultation Today!

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Fill out the form below to schedule your comprehensive home energy assessment. Elite Home Performance is committed to maximizing your comfort, safety, and savings. Start your journey towards a more efficient and valuable home today.